Oil-based diamond suspension

Oil-based ready-to-use diamond suspension for highest performance in lapping and polishing of sapphire, ceramics and metals. Tailored additives provide maximum material removal rate (MRR) while extending the process window for best performance. SPO diamond suspensions feature up to 25 % higher material removal rate compared to other oil suspensions. Novel stabilizers prevent precipitation of the diamond particles and thus help to enhance process stability. For application in machines with stirring units the suspension is available without stabilizers.


Highly tailor-made: select any diamond type, grit size and concentration

Lapping at high process temperature

Product Specifications

Carrier liquid



0.8 – 0.9 g/cm³

Typical lapping plate

lapping plate

Shelf life

2 years

Product Specifications

Base material


Shelf life

24 months


Ceramic, fused silica,
glass, poly carbonate lens

Suspension type Viscosity Stability Remarks
SPOT-42 12 cP stabilized only for diamond size < 1 micron
SPO-42 30 cP stabilized -
SPO-45 4 cP easy-shake -
SPO-410 300 cP stabilized -

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Adam Nielsen