Diamond Powder

Synthetic polycrystalline, monocrystalline and natural diamond powder

Matching diamond type and size with your process requirements is crucial to ensure first-class results. Pureon has extensive know-how in the application of micron diamond. We are happy to assist you in choosing the ideal solution for your requirements.

Polycrystalline diamond powder

Polycrystalline diamond powder is formed by explosion synthesis, leading to a polycrystalline particle structure without cleavage planes. The resulting high toughness of polycrystalline diamond tolerates three times higher operating pressures than monocrystalline diamond. Its micro-structured, rough particle surface provides numerous contact points between diamond particles and the work piece. These properties allow for significantly higher material removal rates compared to other diamond types. Typical applications of polycrystalline diamond powder are high-performance lapping and polishing processes.

Microdiamant DP

Precision size range

Microdiamant FG

Standard size range

Monocrystalline diamond powder

Monocrystalline diamond powder is produced by HPHT (high-pressure, high-temperature) synthesis. The diamond particles feature an oriented crystal structure with parallel-running cleavage planes, similar to natural diamond. For diamond tools, particle fracturing provides a self-sharpening mechanism and thus increases tool life. Monocrystalline diamond powder is a popular choice for precision grinding, lapping and polishing of various materials.

Microdiamant MSY

Precision size range


Standard size range

Natural diamond powder

Natural diamond is formed in depths of several hundreds of kilometers underground in conditions of high pressure and high temperature. It has the same monocrystalline structure as synthetic diamond, but without the traces of metal catalysts which are inherent to synthetic diamond. Natural diamond features distinct cleavage planes. This results in blocky and irregular shaped, free-cutting particles. For bonded diamond tools, the fracturing mechanism of the diamond provides a self-sharpening of the tool which increases its service.

Microdiamant NAT

Precision size range

Nanocluster diamond

Nanocluster diamond is formed by a detonation of carbon-containing explosives within a detonation chamber. Diamond crystallites of approximately 4-8 nanometers form clusters with an aggregate size up to one micrometer. Nanocluster diamond features a very high surface area and a micro rough particle surface. It is the preferred diamond type for surface coatings and super fine polishing applications. Nanocluster diamond is also used as a diamond nanomaterial in numerous research applications.

Microdiamant XP

Sub-micron size range

Liquid Diamond GAF

Pureon’s GAF technology was developed in response to the need for polishing solutions free of unwanted agglomerates. A proprietary process guarantees that all diamond is dispersed in a single particle distribution, totally free of agglomerates. Agglomerates are clusters of undispersed diamond particles, often 10 or 20 times the size of an individual particle. The adhesion forces responsible for agglomeration increase with decreasing particle size, making agglomerates in diamond sizes below 1 micron extremely hard to break up. In polishing applications, agglomerates act similar to oversize particles, that is, particles much larger than an individual particle. The Liquid Diamond GAF technology helps avoid scratched surfaces and increases the yield of ffinished products.

Microdiamant GAF

Diamond concentrate

Choosing the right diamond type

Polycrystalline diamond powder is best suited for lapping and
polishing of both extremely hard and soft materials. Thanks
to its unique characteristics, maximum material removal
rates and superior surface quality are achieved.
Monocrystalline diamond powder is relatively inexpensive to
produce and therefore widely used for grinding, lapping and
polishing applications. Natural diamond powder is preferred
for the production of electroplated diamond tools.
Nanodiamond is a nanomaterial used in a variety of
applications and research projects.

Choosing the right micron size

The choice of the diamond size is determined by the surface quality requirements, or respectively, by the function of the surface coating. Particles in the precision size range guarantee the highest performance and reproducibility levels and provide an accurate matching of diamond size to the application. The standard or wide size ranges are preferred when cost effectiveness directly depends on the price of the diamond.

Interested in our
micron diamond powders?

We are happy to share our knowledge with you
and remain at your disposal for any further questions.
Portrait Ueli Siller, General Manager Switzerland

Ueli Siller